Young Shipwrights Model Boat Race with My Future My Choice

Primary School children have created a fleet of model sail boats in the lead up to the Harbour Festival. Nearly 100 model boats have been made by about 700 children with the help of business volunteers and funding. The model boats will be launched from a Bristol Packet Boat out on the water. The winning boat will; sail the best, go in the right direction and stay afloat. The boats are made from cardboard with 1kg of sand as ballast. They can sail across the wind and tack if they hit something but they are at the mercy of the wind and water. The winning boat will get £100 prize. Presentations to winners will be from the small stage at Prince Street Bridge. Celebrations for all competitors and families will be held back on the MV Balmoral.



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On the Water

A person sits on a small raft in Bristol Harbour, surrounded by colourful paper boats. The boats are adorned with various drawings and messages. In the background, a large red building and other boats are visible near the dock.